With roots in private and institutional multifamily investment sales, we understand how to craft the most effective market strategy.
VRE’s powerful sales & marketing platform leverages the most effective tools and market relationships to deliver insightful market intelligence and achieve maximum pricing. Our national market reach ensures maximum exposure, while our specialized marketing platform targets the most aggressive capital and 1031 buyers in the market.
Our direct relationships with local owners, brokers, and investors inform market insights that translate into actionable strategies for maximum returns and record pricing.
Drawing on our specialized market intelligence and sales platform, we tailor a comprehensive strategy to unlock value and set pricing records.
We see beyond the financials. Our strategic approach starts with sophisticated investment analysis and valuation to identify potential and market pitfalls. Our creative positioning strategy capitalizes on this analysis to maximize property marketability, operations and the potential for market beating returns and record pricing.
We expand on the most well-known national databases available with painstaking manual records research, and old fashioned dialing with thousands of investor calls. So we have the market intel to identify and target the most active buyer pools in the market.
As principals, our “in the trenches” asset management style informs our approach to marketing, project design and sales execution. We analyze and design a tailored strategy before we go to market. So we can implement the most effective business plan to maximize the value of your real estate.